Sunday, December 21, 2008

Recipe for Grandma's Cookies

From Grandma's Cookies

*** PDF download document to print out is at the end of this post ***

Preheat oven at 400 degrees

Ingredients for Dough:
6 eggs
5 pounds Gold Medal flour
2 1/2 cups sugar
3 1/2 tsp baking powder
2 1/3 cups oil
2 cups warm water

walnut pieces chopped (about 4 cups)
vegetable oil

To make dough :
Mix flour, sugar and baking powder in a very big bowl
In a smaller bowl, mix the eggs, then mix in the oil, followed by the warm water
Mix the wet ingredients into the dry, forming one big mass - mix by hand
Roll the dough into balls about the size of a softball

To make cinnamon sugar you probably need about 2 cups total. No one has ever measured it, it's pretty much made to taste, although it seems to be about 1:3 proportion cinnamon to sugar. Here's an idea of how it should look
From Grandma's Cookies

Instructions :
Knead dough thoroughly and make into balls
Put flour on table and roll out one ball at a time
From Grandma's Cookies

Put oil on flattened dough, then cinnamon sugar mixture, topped by nuts
From Grandma's Cookies
From Grandma's Cookies

Roll into a log
From Grandma's Cookies
From Grandma's Cookies

Cut into slices about 1/4 inch thick (this might be too thin, but try to do thinner than 1/2 inch)
From Grandma's Cookies

Bake slices about 12 minutes (probably between 10-15)

Wearing an apron is a good idea...

And PLEASE follow the recipe as it's written here - we actually forgot to add the sugar until we'd mixed the flour with with wet stuff, and trying to mix it in afterwards was only possible with the help of many tedious batches in the food processor - 5 pounds of flour is a LOT!
From Grandma's Cookies
From Grandma's Cookies

Click here for the Word document that you can print. GGKay’s Grandma’s Cookies

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